Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We are in germany right now(: it will be a time of resting and resting and emailing. haha! but we have a hotel room for a few hours then we will head to the airport then on to south africa! i am very excited but very tired so i will keep it short again. thanks for all the prayers and keep them up! i love you all! :D

Monday, January 26, 2009

It's here!

Today is the day of the big move(: it is 9:09am right now and our plane takes off at 4:20 in the afternoon(: i will make it short because i am suppossed to be showering right now but i am so excited and will miss everyone but it's not a goodbye it's a see you all later!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Count down(:

Well there is 16 days and 4 hours and 16 minutes until we board the plane to Frankfurt, then after a 13 hour layover we will be on a plane to South Africa, our new home(: I am more than excited! I have been waiting for this day as patiently as possible, which was not very patiently, but that's something I'm working on(:

Anyways, I have made a countdown chain like we did in kindergarten(: haha it's just a simple paper link chain and everyday i pull one off(: it's super cool(:

Well that's all for now!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

My first post of 2009(:
I am really excited to start the new year, because it wont be long before we get to africa(: i'm really super excited :D